Versatile South Korean actor Suk-gyu Han (Christmas in August, Scarlet Letter, The President’s Last Bang) indeed is making a comeback after a long 2 year hiatus. He’s set to star in the gritty new action film “An Eye for an Eye” (Nuneneun Nun, Yieneun Yi). Fans should notice a change with Suk-gyu Han immediately in the film as his hair is now died a menacing white/grey.
In “An Eye for An Eye,” Han Suk-gyu plays “Chan-bak,” a legendary detective who’s also about as mean as they come. He has animal like instincts which he puts to good use in tracking down the criminals. Anybody foolish enough to cross his path pays the price dearly. One of the main selling points about the film will be Chan-bak’s mean streak and how it rivals or even surpasses the visciousness of the criminals he chases.
Han Suk-gyu revealed to the press that his interest in the film came about from the mixture of sophistication and raw urban feel of the screenplay. He had no qualms about dying his hair white and even suggested the idea himself.
The film is directed by Kyung-Taek Kwak, who shot to stardom with his gritty 2001 crime drama “Friend”(Chingoo). Last year, Kyung-Taek Kwak made a departure of sorts with his tender melo-drama, “A Love,” and now appears to be returning to the action world. Seung-won Cha (Ghost house) and Ji-suk Kim will co-star.
About 90% of the shooting has been completed and the movie is expected to be released this March.
Source: Lunapark6
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